Franklin County Bar Association Membership

Please join your colleagues in supporting the local legal community through a Franklin County Bar Association Membership.
To become a member of the Franklin County Bar Association, please complete the online form below, or print and mail in the application with a check to: FCBA 20 Federal St. Suite 4, Greenfield, MA 01301.
2024-2025 Online FCBA Membership Application*
2024-2025 Printable FCBA Membership Form
*A small fee has been added to each membership level when paying online due to PayPal fees.
Members enjoy benefits such as the monthly newsletter and notices, listing on the FCBA website, discounts on services, invitations to social events, and access to the FCBA room at the Greenfield Court. Your membership also supports advocacy for legal services, educational programs, and service projects. Please visit our member benefits page for a complete list of benefits.
This year the FCBA Lawyer Referral Service structure will be changing to an online format.
There will no longer be a separate application or additional fee. There is no requirement to remit a fee on referred cases. If a client mentions that they were directed to you from the FCBA staff or the FCBA website a donation is appreciated. Donations will allow the bar association to continue to field calls and maintain the website listing.
All members will have the opportunity to be listed on our website, under “Find a Lawyer”. Please help us to provide a valuable community service, and gain referrals by opting into the listing.
Please considering joining the Bar Association as a Sustaining Member. The additional revenue contributed by our sustaining members allows us to fund projects that otherwise would not be within our reach.